RSSAll Entries Tagged With: "writing tips and techniques"

That Creative Time of Day

That Creative Time of Day

There is something universally magical about the hours of 1 a.m to 4 a.m. All of a sudden, thoughts and ideas begin to make better sense. The words seem to flow better. That creative concept all of a sudden seems clearer

Writing Tip of the Week 22

Don’t get left behind with what’s hot in the publishing industry. Read the latest best-sellers to see just what

Writing Tip of the Week 21

Writing can be pretty isolating especially if those around you have no interest in your creative pursuits. Get a writing buddy by joining a local writing group, college class

Writing Tip of the Week 20

Self Promotion is vital if you wish your novel to succeed. Finding a unique angle that can bring your novel before the masses is crucial but not easy. It can help if you develop a strategy using your own strengths

Writing Tip of the Week 19

You can think and plan your writing, create wonderful complex plots and imaginative characters, but there is no ….

Why Anchor Text Could Be The Most Important Aspect Of SEO

Getting backlinks to your site is great, but if you aren’t using anchor text properly, , you may not be able to rank for your keywords. But anchor text isn’t just important for getting you ranked, it’s also possibly the most imporant element to look at when analyzing your competition.

Write to be Understood

Write to be Understood

Do you write to be understood? Of course; but today, with the internet whizzing our words from one side of the world to the other, meanings can become obscured. This article discusses how to make sure you are understood clearly.

Writing Tip of the Week 18

Creative Competitor Editor Annette Young says-It’s easy for a writer to become too introverted and staring at the same four walls can be detrimental to the whole creative process. If you start to feel stale then take yourself out for the day and visit

Green Up Your Home Office

Green living is an important concept for everyone to embrace and as writers, we should be equally conscious about our own contribution to the planet. If you mention green living

Writing Tip of the Week 17

If you are having a bad day with your writing, the words won’t come and every page is painstakingly hard, it’s very easy to be tempted to discard your work, but resist that compulsion and simply put your writing away for another day.

Writing Tip of the Week 16

Want to know how to capitalise on your hobbies and interests? It’s simple. Choose the subject that you know most about or are most interested in and……

Writing Tip of the Week 15

How many times has devine inspiration suddenly appeared out of the blue? That perfect idea, the perfect character, a plot that sizzles with so many twists and turns that it takes your breath away? But how typical that you are in the middle of a family dinner or at work, submerged in a sea of paperwork or perhaps your children are asking …..

Let Your Verbs Run Wild And Free

This kind of thing happens a lot. Rushing to make our point, we summarize and condense the life out of our stories.

Writing Tip of the Week 14

Hoping to have some quality writing time on your next day off? Excited by the prospect of hours of creativity? Don’t waste a minute. Have your plans in place and a mass of writing topics

Blog Management – Know When to Let Go

Blog Management – Know When to Let Go

Sometimes a topic just isn’t working – you can tell when you’re writing it, and you can tell when you’re reading it. Maybe the humor is forced, tired, or rote. Maybe the blogger didn’t go into the same level of interesting side detail that he usually does, or perhaps her topic looks like she fell back on a safe and reliable piece

Plan Your Writing Day

Over the years, I have tried and tested many different ways to enable myself to be more productive with my writing. From getting up at some unearthly hour and hoping that the creative part of my brain would kick into gear, to writing at …….

The Secret Behind Keeping A Secret

The Secret Behind Keeping A Secret

Now that you have a great idea for a project, do you share it? Although there are benefits to giving it a try among friends and fellow writers, you should carefully consider keeping it a secret.

SEO Copywriting – Not Just For Search Engines

SEO Copywriting – Not Just For Search Engines

Sorry to open this with an obvious copywriting clich�, but I’m about to make this article personal. Unlike some the writers of some SEO blogs you’ll read today, I’m not an observer and commentator or an SEO Consultant. I’m an SEO Copywriter. That means I write copy that Search Engines like

A Writer’s Style

A Writer’s Style

We talk a lot in this business about a writer’s ‘style,’ and often that’s an elusive issue. Not one’s voice, exactly, although style incorporates voice, and not the technical aspects such as sentence structure and word usage, syntax, although those, too come under that heading. So what, exactly, IS style?

The Hesitant Writer

Stephanie Chandler wrote in her book, “From Entrepreneur to Infopreneur” that a survey indicated nearly 80 percent of Americans would like to write a book. That’s a stunning number of potential writers. There are a variety of reasons why some do what’s needed to become a writer and why others never attempt it.

Writing Tip of the Week 11

Annette Young – Editor of the Creative Competitor says : Let your idea germinate for a while and tease it into growth and maximise your creativity….

Writing Tip of the Week 7

Can music stimulate the creative mind? Writers need to tap into this useful resource…